The Backup-Sandiplex (advanced)

We brought the Sandiplex to a convention,where Oskar picked it up, and took it to the next level.He came up with some advanced variations of the seven ball / two juggler version. I’d say the Backup-Sandiplex-9 is the most challenging one. Each juggler cycles through the sequence:Self / Split / Back up / Zip / … Weiterlesen

Uni Ulm sports program – Juggling

Cheers to our ‘returning customers’,welcome to all new sign ups! Uni Ulm sports program – juggling course in the winter semester and during the semester break. Includes unicycling and beginner slackline. Passing Tricks for beginners

Tuesday and Thursday’s training are back on track

Tuesday’s training is back already since September. Thursday’s training at University Sports started on October 21st. The course continues during the semester break. You can already sign up for summer, too! We adhere to the current Corona Rules of Baden-Würtemberg. (details are linked on the main page)

The Sandiplex-Seven

The Sandiplex-7

Compared to the 5-ball version, this takes the notch one up (or two if you will) – it is not as advanced as “The Loom Run” or “The Double-W“, though. Please note how both jugglers loop through the same “Self – Split – Self – Catch” cycle. (Pink is two beats ahead, yup.) “Aren’t there … Weiterlesen

Thursday Training at the Uni-Sport starts on December 3rd, hopefully.

Edit: nope. We are back at the Uni-Sporthalle every Thursday from 20:30 to 22:00, starting December 3rd. (depending on further Anti-Corona measures that is) Sign ups for the Juggling Course at the university sports site are open since end of October. We’re keeping our fingers crossed… Beginners as well as advanced jugglers – looking forward … Weiterlesen

Tuesday’s Training (Winter)

We are back at the “Kuhberg Halle” (please find directions here) at the usual time. Tuesday 18:00-20:00. See you there! Depending on Anti-Corona measures. November trainings are cancelled!

The Sandiplex-Five

The Sandiplex-5 is a five ball routine for two jugglers. This one is a little (but not much) more difficult than the “Knot Thing”. Even if you are a beginner, have a try at it! I came up with the name because of its multiplex throw feature . Check out some more advanced stuff right … Weiterlesen

The Knot Thing

The Knot thing is a two person juggling routine that even beginners can master during their first lesson. It is simple, start-/stoppable at any point etc. You could think it’s almost nothing, but it is the Knot Thing! One “difficulty” might be making it look good, by keeping a steady rhythm and using a grand … Weiterlesen

Thursday 8:30 PM at the Uni-Sporthalle

We are back to the University gym – at the usual place and time! Btw: also during the winter semester holiday. Please welcome all who joined us for the first time (and our ‘returning customers’, too : ) PS: I’ll soon post drawings of the beginner routines we learned.

Thursday Training during the summer

the Uni-Sporthalle is now closed (we’re going to reopen it in October btw.) Yet there’s juggling opportunities on Thursdays in the Friedrichsau (park) from now on. Here’s a map to guide you there: Typically people show up between 6pm an 9pm, but that may depend on the weather and whatnot – please check back … Weiterlesen

The Loom Run

image (Loom Run)

The „Loom Run“ is a three person juggling routine I invented in 2017. Euphorized by the (humble) success of sorting out the Double-W, I got creative again…The Loom Run actually further develops my „shifting columns“ idea. It consists of nothing but column shifting throws, really.According to some reports, it’s „quite a unique feeling“ how the … Weiterlesen

The Double-W

The Double-W is a two person juggling routine I invented back in ca. 2008 when Wilma (neat – two Ws literally juggling W shapes) was still in town. I’m sure she kept my sketch/letter just in case I needed written proof. Anyway, the first successful performance of the Double-W saw the light in – 2016. … Weiterlesen