The new rules published by the cultural ministry of Baden Wurttemberg allow us to juggle together again, but with certain condition we will have to accept.
We will meet on Tuesday at our spot in the park (see “Training” for more information).
Unfortunately Thursday’s training at University has been cancelled for the rest of the summer semester.
As for meetings in the park, additional week days are possible, too.
This is what you need to know:
- Trainings will only take place outside. If the weather is rainy we have no option to juggle inside right now.
- Please keep a distance of 1,5 metres between each juggler.
- Everyone will juggle for themselves, no passing allowed right now.
- We will only meet to juggle! There will be no BBQs or beer drinking afterwards together.
- If you feel sick or have fever, please stay at home!
It will not be same as usual, but it will be nice to see each other again ?